Presentations and Trainings

Dr. Benavides has conducted workshops, trainings, conference presentations throughout the U.S. and internationally. She’s been an invited guest on podcasts, a guest lecturer for courses, esteemed speaker for organizations, and hosted parent and educator coaching sessions. Below are select examples of her presentations.

Podcast Guest

In this guest podcast, Dr. Benavides discusses her research philosophy, ongoing projects, and even talks about her experiences as a student!

In this engaging discussion, Dr. Celina Benavides offers tips for parents, as well as sharing insights to some of her own parenting experiences.

Workshops and Trainings

Benavides, C. (June, 2022). Positive Psychology. Workshop presentation for OC Middle School Summer Camp.

Benavides, C. (April, 2022). How to Foster a Growth Mindset with Your Children. Workshop presentation for Compton College’s CalWORKS.

Benavides, C. (October, 2021). Flourishing Families: Applying Positive Psychology Practices. Workshop presentation for Compton College’s CalWORKS.

Benavides, C. (June, 2021). Positive Discipline. Workshop presentation for Friendship Children’s Academy.

Benavides, C. (June, 2021). Positive Discipline. Workshop presentation for Okie Dokie Preschool.

Lopez, A., & Benavides, C. (July, 2011). Meeting the Needs of Young Dual Language Learners. Workshop presented at the annual conference for the National Council of La Raza, Washington, DC.

Benavides, C., Beltran, E., & Palacios, R. (July, 2011). How to Create a Bilingual Classroom. Workshop presented at the conference for the American Federation of Teachers, Washington, DC.

Guest Lectures

Benavides, C. (Sept, 2024). Examining Motivations and Emotions to Understand Behavior. Guest Lecture for Dr. José A. Maldonado’s ENGL R102 course “Critical Thinking through Composition and Literature”, English Department, Oxnard College.

Benavides, C. (March, 2023). Latinx Students at HSIs. Presentation for Counseling Department, Oxnard College.

Benavides, C. (Feb, 2023). Latinx Students at HSIs. Presentation for President’s Cabinet Meeting, Oxnard College.

Benavides, C. (Oct, 2020). Transfer Scholars: Helping YOU Transition to a Four-Year University. Guest Lecture for Professor Anna Ruiz-Ayala’s CH DEV 22 course “Practicum,” Child & Family Studies Department, East Los Angeles College.

Benavides, C. (Oct, 2020). Transfer Scholars: Helping YOU Transition to a Four-Year University. Guest Lecture for Professor ALinda Jimenez’s CH DEV 22 course “Practicum,” Child & Family Studies Department, East Los Angeles College.

Benavides, C. (Oct, 2020). Transfer Scholars: Helping YOU Transition to a Four-Year University. Guest Lecture for Professor Kay Manning’s CH DEV 23 course “Practicum,” Child & Family Studies Department, East Los Angeles College.

Benavides, C. (Oct, 2020). Examining Racial Disparities. Guest Lecture for Professor Amber Luna’s ENGL 101 course “College Reading and Composition,” English Department, East Los Angeles College.

Benavides, C. (Oct, 2019). Child and Family Studies Overview. Guest Lecture for Dr. Denise Herz’s “Intro to Higher Education” course, Criminology Department, Cal State LA.

Benavides, C. (July, 2013). Psychological Assessments: Individual Tests of Intelligences and Achievement. Guest Lecture for Professor Michael Warren’s CAS course, Psychology Department, Cal State Fullerton.

Academic Conference Presentations

Benavides, C. M., & Maldonado, J. (October, 2023). Fostering Familismo: Creating Community & Sense of Belonging Through Culturally Responsive Practices. Breakout session at the California Community Colleges Association for Occupational Education (CCCAOE). Rancho Mirage, CA.

Sidiqi, M., Benavides, C. M., Ribera, D., & Ruiz-Mesa, K. (March, 2020). First Generation, Latinx Students’ Perceptions of Faculty and Peer Support. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Adolescence. San Diego, CA.

Didarloo, S., & Benavides, C. M. (March, 2019). Young Adults’ Perception of the United States Before and After the 45th Presidential Election. Paper symposium presented at the Pacific Sociological Association Conference, Oakland, CA. 

Riches, B., Dubon, V., Giesemann, X., Benavides, C. M., & Bronk, K. (November, 2018). Using Technology to Foster Purpose among Early and Late Adolescents. Paper symposium presented at the Association for Moral Education Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Ettekal, A. & Benavides, C. M. (October, 2018). Examining an intervention to promote intellectual humility with middle school students. Paper symposium presented at the SRCD Character Development Special Issue Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Bronk, K., Baumsteiger, Mangan, S., Riches, B., Dubon, V., & Benavides, C. (April, 2018). Fostering Purpose among Adolescents. Paper symposium presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.

Kouyoumdjian, C., & Benavides, C. M. (March, 2018). Navigating the Student-Mother Balance in Higher Education. Symposium presentation at the Pacific Sociological Association Conference, Long Beach, CA. 

Didarloo, S., & Benavides, C. M. (March, 2018). Creating the Ideal World: Social and Political Changes After the 45th Presidential Election. Roundtable presentation at the Pacific Sociological Association Conference, Long Beach, CA. 

Benavides, C. M., Kouyoumdjian, C., Harris, R., Marquez, L., & *Rodriguez Lazo, J. (January, 2018). #Transferring Love: Transfer Student Services That Promote Mental Health and Wellness. Symposium presented at the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Mental Health Strategies Conference, Portland, OR.

Benavides, C. M., Dubon, V., & Riches, B. (November, 2017). Students’ Political Values and Civic Engagement Under the 45th President. Paper presented at the 43rd Association for Moral Education Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO.

Lin Lin, Bronk, K. C., Benavides, C. M., & Zhang, J. (October, 2015). Exploring Perceived Stress and Purpose in Political Engagement: A Sample from Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement. Paper presented at the Taiwanese Psychological Association Annual Convention, Taipei, Taiwan.

Benavides, C. M. & Wray-Lake, L. (March, 2014). Civic Engagement Among Ethnic Minority Youth: An Examination of Motivations and Obstacles to Participation. In P. J. Ballard’s (Chair), Complex links between experiencing discrimination and developing ideas about society among diverse youth. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Austin, TX.

Yates, T. M., Wray-Lake, L., Murphy, K., Benavides, C. M. & Williams, J. R. (March, 2014). A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Civic Engagement among Foster Youth. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence, Austin, TX.

Benavides, C. M., Wray-Lake, L., & Victorino, C. (September, 2013). Examining Developmental Transitions in Civic Engagement across Adolescence in a U.S. Sample. In M. K. Pavlova & R. Silberiesen (Co-Chairs), Civic engagement in adolescence and beyond. Symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the XVI European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Benavides, C. M., & Thomson, A. L. (June, 2013). Charitable Donation: Factors Behind Giving. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Positive Psychology Association, Los Angeles, CA.

Benavides, C. M., & Wray-Lake, L. (April, 2013). Youth in Action: Developmental Pathways to Civic Engagement through the Building of Assets. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

Li, Q., Benavides, C. M., & Wray-Lake, L. (April, 2013). Examining Civic Engagement Profiles in an Ethnically Diverse Sample of Adolescents. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

Sloper, M., Chiao, E., Benavides, C., & Wray-Lake, L. (April, 2012). Are Adolescents’ Civic Behaviors Value-Based? Exploring Associations between Values and Actions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

*Denotes student presenter

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